You Will Never Walk Alone

There is Intelligence that walks alongside you every step of the route you walk to the aliveness you want to feel. Most people experience this by calling it God, the Presence, or Angels. Recognize this because support has always been available for your journey into your life. Oprah Winfrey, in her farewell show in 2011 spoke firmly: “I have felt the presence of God my whole life. Even when I didn’t have a name for it, I could feel a voice bigger than me speaking to myself, and all of us have that same voice. …It’s there speaking to you and waiting for you to hear it. In every move, in every decision I have to make, I wait and I listen. I’m still and listen for the guidance that’s greater than my meager mind. So, what I know is, God is love, and God is life, and your life is always speaking to you.”

Down through the world’s history, human beings have lived with a semblance that there is something bigger than us in charge, In American culture, we have called it God. We then fixed on an idea that God is a man with a beard who resides in Heaven and makes judgments about whether we are good enough to enter. This view became rigid at some point.  Some people have matured and have come to the opinion that God is omnipotent. Others have the idea that God is an ageless human being. Some say God has too many rules to comply with.

God is benevolent and is a potent being. What if God was a verb? God is not a being that can be defined or limited. God is suffused and part of life that animates all of Life. What we call God is the hidden Intelligence at the heart of life. This thought takes us away from religion’s rigidity. At one point, you were one cell so tiny that could not have been seen and you eventually multiplied into trillions of cells. These cells beat your heart, repair your cuts and bruises that have happened to you. They digest your food, cause you to eliminate, lets you grow without ever consulting with you. Each cell knows what it is supposed to do and without that specific intelligence you will not exist. 

You are a walking and talking sea of Intelligence. The Intelligence that runs through your body also permeates and generates through every level of your life.  

In Expecting Adam, Martha Beck explained that Adam, her second child, was a mother’s   demanding child. While teaching at Harvard, she was pregnant. Harvard reveres using our minds to solve every problem. She states in this great book that “I had to unlearn everything that Harvard taught me about what is precious and what is garbage’’.

In the fifth month of her pregnancy, while her husband was out of state, she experienced a placenta abruption which can be fatal to mother or child. She phoned Harvard’s emergency services -there was no 911 service then available- and the receptionist told her to visit the emergency room right away. She was so physically weak that she could not tell the service that her husband had their only car and she had no other way to arrive there. As moments went by, she felt a presence inside of her home. She stated that “Their presence was as real and ordinary as the presence of oxygen. She could not determine the identity of the presence. She named them as friends. She was weak in her body and she asked God for help with her situation.  After she asked for help, her body began to warm her up. And her body cooperated with her and the baby. She had to calm down during this time and she soothed herself. The warmth seemed to be all around her and she felt warm loving hands were around her, and this comforted her. She grew calm recognizing that both she and the baby were out of danger and harm.

She went to sleep that evening and felt like she was being lifted by a thousand wings. She accepted the reality of her situation and remarked that she opened “a cosmic door” an inch or two by asking for help. Asking for help produced a calm assurance that there was help available to her and her upcoming child. She thought God was with her all along. 

Everything you deal with in life   is an outer expression of a unified field of energy in which everything is dependent upon everything else for its existence. God   is being expressed in and through everyone and everything. Spirit lives inside of you and you are made in the likeness and image of God. Genesis 1:27.

 “In a real sense of life, all of life is inter-related. “All people are caught in a network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one affects all directly and affects all indirectly. I can never be what I what I want to be until what you ought to be. This is the inter-related structure of reality”. Martin Luther King.

You are here to know that everybody, every moment of life tells you that Spirit is inside you and you are inside it. Use this to see life as a grand and bold adventure. You are an integral part of all of life and must play a constructive role always. Ask for help from others if needed and look at life as sacred. Look for ways to solve problems. Seek solutions and march ahead knowing that Spirit is behind you every step along the way. Serve others and join with others to get the delights you want as you experience life. Actualize, dream, have visions and accomplish what you want to in this life. I am certain that Adam is a vibrant and joyous child. 

The world is bountiful, beautiful and needs your full vitality to lift you and everyone else up to enjoy life and happiness. Look at nature around you. Flowers grow, and bloom where they are planted. Every garden is gorgeous and enticing. 

You will never walk alone as you live your life. God   will be with you every step of the way. Enjoy the view and never forget who you are. And always pray and like Martha Beck receive assistance. 

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We are Dale and Kris Ellis, a happily married couple residing in Katy, Texas. As students and seekers of spiritual Truth, our vision is to help you on your journey to greater Good in your life by providing spiritual principles and practical advice.
